So I have attempted at recording a video and uploaded it to a new youtube channel I made.
I have to get my hands on a program in which I can increase the quality of the video, but in the meantime here is just a basic guide to the Game Room.
Once I have found a good enough program I will re-upload this video in a better quality.
Enjoy and let me know what you think, Dazzling.
i r admin
16/8/2012 12:16:31 pm

Speed HAX!

17/8/2012 09:06:35 pm

Haha maybe..

28/8/2012 01:10:09 pm

I have removed a few videos from my channel due to poor quality and replaced them with better quality videos.
I have also removed music from the videos to cut down the size of the video for anyone that wants to minimise their download usage.


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